This is the second in the webinar series. Later I will post a recording of the webinar here. For the time being, here are today’s slides.
This is Webinar 2 Coaching with the Chaos Theory of Careers – Exploring ChaosReality Checklist. You need to have paid for a subscription to this webinar or the whole series. Go to shop to pay or continue if you have the access codes. Webinar 2 was first broadcast on July 19th/July 20th 2012. This is for subscribers only.
In addition to the webinar, there is a handout of the slides you can download here
You can also download a background paper on the Chaos Theory of Careers first published in the Australian Journal of Career Development in 2003 here.
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Dr Jim will be presenting 10 1 hour webinars demonstrating how the Chaos Theory of Careers can be used practically for coaching people and groups experiencing change and transition. They will be starting at the end of June and running till November. Attend as many individual sessions as you like, or sign up for the series of 10 and receive a significant discount. In addition within each live webinar attendees can access special offers on products and training. The total worth of these combined offers is greater than the cost of attending the sessions!
Dr Jim Bright Webinar presenter Coaching with Chaos Theory of Careers
There is also an option to take an online exam at the end of the course to receive formal recognition and a course graduation certificate. These webinars provide significant professional development opportunities and may be counted toward ongoing professional learning and development requirements of your professional association (please check with your association before enrolling). The examined option may provide proof of advanced learning.
Session | Title | Time(there will be one live webinar – the diffierent dates reflect international time differences) |
1 | Coaching with the Chaos Theory of Careers: complexity, change and chance – An introduction to a radical new framework for understanding the nature of change and how to help clients in transition | Thursday June 28th (USA, UK, EUROPE, CANADA)Friday June 29th (AUSTRALIA, ASIA) |
2 | Using the Exploring Reality Chaos Checklist to validate client’s coping with change – This freeresource hosted online by Bright and Associates, is being used by 1000s of clients around the world to appreciate how they are already thriving on change and chaos.You will learn how to use the results of this free test in your coaching and counselling practice. | Thursday July 19th (USA,UK, EUROPE, CANADA)Friday July 20th (AUSTRALIA, ASIA) |
3 | Using the Attractors to understand coachee thinking and overcome limitations. You will learn about the four different Attractors and how they influence your client’s thinking.You will learn how to identify the different Attractors at work within your client and how best to work with clients using the different Attractors. | Thursday August 9th (USA,UK, EUROPE, CANADA)Friday August 10th (AUSTRALIA, ASIA) |
4 | Coaching clients to see fractal patterns in their actions. Taking Fractal action for authentic livingYou will learn how to interpret the complex patterns in your client’s life and circumstances and how to encourage action that is spontaneous and also authentic. | Thursday August 23rd (USA,UK, EUROPE, CANADA)Friday August 24th (AUSTRALIA, ASIA) |
5 | Coaching with Narrative and Plots to enhance self-clarity, overcome limitation and motivate actionYou will learn the strengths and weaknesses of working with client stories and ways of enhancing personal transformation though re-plotting client stories using the 7 Essential plots. | Thursday September 6th (USA,UK, EUROPE, CANADA)September 7th (AUSTRALIA, ASIA) |
6 | Using the Change Perception Index with clients – understanding the barriers to change for clients or groups.You will learn how to use this inexpensive and powerful online instrument to clarify how your clients think about and react to change. Used in many applictions for personal career change, change management initiatives in organisations and rehabilitation. | Thursday September 20th (USA,UK, EUROPE, CANADA)Friday September 21st (AUSTRALIA, ASIA) |
7 | Using the Luck Readiness Index with clients. Promoting opportunity awareness with clients or groups.You will learn how to use this inexpensive and powerful online instrument to understand your clients levels of opportunity awareness. Used in many applications for personal career change, change management initiatives in organisations and rehabilitation. | Thursday October 4th (USA,UK, EUROPE, CANADA)Friday October 5th (AUSTRALIA, ASIA) |
8 | Using Signposts cards with Clients – helping clients make the links with their fundamental values and deep beliefs.You will learn how to use this visually stunning card sort to rapidly assist clients understand and make links between their essential world-view and their career opportunities. | Thursday October 18th (USA,UK, EUROPE, CANADA)Friday October 19th (AUSTRALIA, ASIA) |
9 | Using Creative Thinking Strategies Cards with Clients – to enhance creative and optimistic solutions to challenges faced by individuals or groups. You will learn how to use this large and powerful card sort to assist clients in overcoming self-limited thinking and to generate solutions to barriers in their change transition. | Thursday November 1st (USA,UK, EUROPE, CANADA)Friday November 2nd (AUSTRALIA, ASIA) |
10 | Applying The Beyond Personal Mastery® model of Creative Coaching – using a practical framework to coach clients undergoing change.You will learn how to apply a powerful model of personal and organisational change to guide your approach to coaching and counseling. | Thursday November 15th (USA,UK, EUROPE, CANADA) Friday November 16th (AUSTRALIA, ASIA) |
All webinars commence at 8:30pm GMT on a Thursday / Friday depending on your time zone. They will run for one hour including 15 minutes for Q & A.
Local times (as at June 14th – please check your local time for daylight savings changes):
Thursday: California 1:30pm , Nashville 3:30pm, New York 4:30pm, Vancouver 1:30pm, Ottawa 4:30pm, UK 8:30pm, Italy 10:30pm, Friday: Mumbai 2:00am, Singapore 4:30am, Beijing 4:30am, Tokyo 5:00am, Sydney 6:30am
Pricing (In Australian dollars, approx exchange rates: $1Aus=$1US, 64pence UK, 0.80 Euro.)
Pay as you go please pay at least 24 hours in advance – $35 per single Webinar – simply pay before the start of the webinar to receive access. Pay here (Australians) or here (Overseas)
Pay in advance $299 for ten payable by June 28th 2012. Pay here for Australians or here for Overseas.
Discount for members of NCDA, CDAA (and other CICA organisations), APS, Inst of Careers Guidance UK, Full time students (proof required):
Discount Pay as you go $25 per Webinar – simply pay before the start – the day before to guarantee entry – of the webinar to receive access. Pay for the next one here for Australians or here for Overseas
Discount Pay in advance $200 for ten payable by June 28th 2012. Pay here for Australians or here for Overseas.
Examined option $349 for 10 webinars, and post series on-line exam and certificate (useful for professional recognition or professional standards). Pay here for Australians or here for Overseas
Professional membership/ student discount $250. Pay here for Australians or here for Overseas.
Second chance webinar – acess the webinars anytime you like – note this will not be live and therefore you can only listen, and the special offers do not apply. $35 per webinar or $299 for the series. No discounts. Payment options will apear here aft
Included in the price:
- Listen live – ask questions in real time
- Download handouts
- In webinar offers and discount – for live webinars only worth over $300 (across the 10 webinars)
- Course Attendance Certificate
- Course Graduation Certificate (only for those taking Examined Graduate Option)
- Free single access to Change Perception Index
- Free single access to Luck Readiness Index
There are STRICTLY limited places for each webinar.
These sessions can be accessed live, or if you prefer you can access them at a time then better suites you. The timing of the sessions was constrained by international time differences. Remember if you attend the live sessions you get access to the special offers as well as the chance to ask questions and interact. Those paying in advance can attend live, listen later, or both attend live and listen again later.
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