Tag Archives: career

Narrative the untold story – presentation by Jim Bright and Robert Pryor CDAA 2011

Here are the slides of a paper given by Robert Pryor and myself at the Career Development Association of Australia International Conference, in Cairns, Qld, Australia, on April 27th 2011. It highlights the strengths, but also the limitations of the narrative approach.     Narrative the untold story View more presentations from JimBright Career-Development.


Finding Harmony in work: A strategy to re-soul your career

Harmony: Finding Harmony in work: A strategy to re-soul your career In my earlier blog Resouling your career I defined harmony in the following terms: "Harmony is a joyful dance through and with life." Here I want to expand on some practical ideas for finding harmony in your career. In part prompted by Ed Colozzi's excellent ...


Transform your Career by shifting: Shift 5 From Risk As Failure To Risk As Endeavour

Shiftwork is the work we have to do to manage, thrive and survive in a world where shift happens.  I've identified 11 shifts that we have to make (see here), so far I've addressed the first four, and in this post, I address the fifth shift.  The earlier ones you can read by following these ...


Transform your Career by shifting: Shift 4 From Control To Controlled Flexibility

Shiftwork is the work we have to do to manage, thrive and survive in a world where shift happens. I've identified 11 shifts that we have to make (see here) and the first shift (see here) and second shift (see here) and I provide some tips about how to achieve the third one here.  Below I ...


Transform your Career by shifting: Shift 3 From Narrowing Down To Being Focused On Openness

Shiftwork is the work we all have to do to manage, survive and thrive in the face of a world where Shift Happens. I've identified 11 shifts that we have to make (see here) and the first shift (see here) and second shift (see here) below I give a few tips about how to achieve the ...


Shift: Transform you career by SHIFTING

The world is changing, you are changing, change is inevitable (except from a vending machine). So the question is what are you doing about it?  Maybe you need to get into SHIFTWORK.  I have re-defined the term "Shiftwork". Shiftwork is the work we all have to do to manage, survive and thrive in the face of ...
