Webinar Series! - Coaching clients using the Chaos Theory of Careers - 10 1 hour webinars presented by Dr Jim Bright Training for Organisations - in-house courses StressSmart®, Job Applications & Promotions, Dealing with Difficult People, Authentic Coaching & Career Conversations for Work Excellence® Dates - dates of public training for the rest of this year Chaos Theory ...
Tag Archives: counseling
Coaching Fractal Action for Personal Development

We get frustrated when we are unsure how to act, and feel disheartened when we voluntarily or involuntarily act in ways that are not true ourselves. We can get lost while searching for the sweet spot that lies between pattern and surprise, consistency and spontaneity, security and risk, familiarity and freedom, and order and disorder. ...
Act before you think: In coaching and careers

"Nothing will be achieved if first all objections must be overcome" said the wise Eleanor Roosevelt. Objections prevent action. Objections to our own actions are ultimately authored by ourselves. Others may advise caution or object, but it takes us to take on board and own those objections to prevent us from acting. It is our ...
Narrative the untold story – presentation by Jim Bright and Robert Pryor CDAA 2011
Here are the slides of a paper given by Robert Pryor and myself at the Career Development Association of Australia International Conference, in Cairns, Qld, Australia, on April 27th 2011. It highlights the strengths, but also the limitations of the narrative approach. Narrative the untold story View more presentations from JimBright Career-Development.
Using Chaos Theory of Careers in Counseling
I have just contributed a blog on the Careers in Theory site outlining step by step how I use the Chaos Theory of Careers in Counseling. Check it out here Applied Chaos: Jim Bright on putting the theory into practice http://wp.me/pCwmV-oI
Mentoring at work: does it work?
Giving heart
Long day of training folks on realities of chaos theory of careers. Then at the end of the day I saw a client in the classroom - I am on the road again in Melbourne. The client told his story - it was moving and engaging. I made some comments. He ...