Tag Archives: edge of chaos

Transform your career by shifting: Shift 11 – From Trust As Control To Trust As Faith

full steam trust as control

Transform your career by shifting: Shift 11 - From Trust As Control To Trust As Faith There comes a point in all things that really matter in life when trying to exert control is not sufficient.  The complexities of the world  make it impossible to be any more planned or prepared, there will always be some ...


The imperfect career and a gift from Brene Brown

Gifts of Imperfection

I got a gift from Brené Brown the other day.  Actually you could call it a gift squared, because the gift was The Gifts of Imperfection, her popular and really very very good book. Brené, unbeknownst to me, offers prizes for contributions of comments to her blog. My name came out of her Houston Hat, ...


Having the courage to live authentically on the edge of chaos

The most common way of dealing with uncertainty is to close our minds and limit our options and behaviors.  The trouble is that the world and the people in it are uncertain, and our typical response to that risks us not exploring that world or ourselves.   If you believe the world is flat and that ...
