Tag Archives: management

Working with a terminal illness

My late Aunt Sylvia Cox was an inspiration to me. She was not only my Aunt, she was a teacher at my High School.  Her enthusiasm for life and her naturally exclamatory style engendered a sense of fun and a sense of the possible in those around her.  Whether it was taking us for "puddle ...


The Seven Myths of Stress

Here are a range of different everyday experiences. How might you feel in each of these circumstances? You are having your family to stay for Christmas Your partner of the last twenty years announces they are leaving you for your best friend (you might feel relief!) You go to hospital for a major and risky procedure (trying to ...


Goals Gone Wild: The Systematic Side Effects of Overprescribing Goal Setting

Recently Harvard academics  Lisa D. Ordonez,  Maurice E. Schweitzer, Adam D. Galinsky, and Max H. Bazerman wrote a piece in the Academy of Management Journal highlighting a range of serious problems with the overuse and uncritical use of goal setting (link here). They essentially argue that goal setting often comes with a series of side ...


Chaos theory of careers tutorial: Using the Change Perception Index

The Change Perception Index is a practical tool that allows HR professionals, Counselors, Coaches and Change agents to engage clients on some of the most relevant dimensions of change, and to gain insights into their client’s preferences, and responses to change.


Job Hopping- are claims it is bad for your career justified?

Another way of looking at this data would be to say, if your path to the CEO route looks to be blocked in one company then moving a couple of times may only delay you by about 12 – 18 months in the worst case scenario that you would have made it to CEO had you stayed put. If, however, you wouldn’t have made it had you stayed put, then moving has probably got you to the CEO role faster than staying put.


Communication and Engagement in the workplace

entered the office of a colleague (who had been university friend). Our boss was in there with my friend, and looked up and simply said “F___ Off” James” and my friend, in a supine gesture reiterated the instruction in precisely the same terms. Some friend.


What makes a good leader?

Using the rhetoric of mutual responsibility, what may be lurking underneath is a lack of trust in staff to do the right thing. This can amount to little more than blame shifting exercises in the event that something goes wrong.
