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Delegates have lots of opportunity to interact in a manner with which they are personally comfortable.

1-day course

StressSmart® will show your employees how to develop emotional and physical resilience in high-pressure situations, allowing them to work at their peak. The one-day program empowers participants to:
• eliminate pressure through proactive interventions
• increase mental stamina and personal coping strategies
• manage pressure through understanding demands and marshaling personal resources more effectively
• combat bad habits and reactions to pressure
• provide 5 simple strategies to thrive on pressure

What they about StressSmart: “I enjoyed the practical techniques and visualisation strategies…I think I’ll be able to StressSmart® apply them to my life…..overall very thought provoking and practical”
“the whole session was great.. I love the humour…. You made me feel empowered and better about myself…...great jobs!..”
This course has run with excellent feedback from the Australasian Institute of Banking and Finance; Gilbert and Tobin Lawyers, Surf Lifesaving Australia, Industry NSW.

Cost on application. Includes extensive workbook and Jim’s book “StressSmart: 100 + tips to combat pressure at work”.


Bright and Associates can tailor this course to Organisational requirements. For instance the course can address specific events such as change programs.