Tag Archives: coaching training

Bullying at work

many victims of bullying feel they have little or no support or advice. While unions have traditionally provided access to experienced lawyers and negotiators, what about the 80% of employees who are not in unions? Having been repeatedly asked in recent weeks to recommend solicitors that specialise in this field, it became apparent that many people have little idea where to look for advice.


Adult training it would be great without the trainers!

The incompetent – this is the chronically under-prepared speaker. They don’t understand their topic, but this doesn’t seem to stop them. They will arrive with overhead slides (yes overheads), photocopied in black and white cheaply at the newsagents.


SHIFTWORK: the work we do to help clients with their shifts

Approaches that emphasise certainty and hold out the promise of providing neat answers are attractive to
people confronted by the uncertainties and complexities of their lives. It is therefore not surprising to
discover that clients seek out certainty in career counselling and prefer that counsellors give advice,
opinions and answers. This presents a challenge because we live in a world that is not simple, certain and predictable, and a world that is populated by people who are complex, changing and inherently unpredictable.


Chance events that can ruin a career aka mad sports injuries!

Five-time batting champion Wade Boggs missed a week when he lost his balance putting on his cowboy boots and fell into a couch


The Factory Podcast – 7 narratives, a counseling intervention and some questions about knowing

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This is the presentation that myself and Robert Pryor are due to give at the National Career Development Association Conference in Seattle, Washington USA on Friday July 6th 2007. The presentation covers our very recent work linking Christopher Booker's magnificent work "The 7 essential plots: why we tell stories" published by Continuum Press, to narrative ...


Professor Spencer Niles on the Factory Podcast Enhanced Audio Version

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At long last!  Here is the interview I conducted with Skip Niles at the NCDA conference in Seattle in 2007.  Prof. Niles is a leading researcher in Career Development who has focussed on the developmental aspects of career development. In addition Spencer Niles has made a very significant contribution to the profession of career development. ...
