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Beyond Corporate Mastery®

Beyond Corporate
Mastery® Improvisation and Innovation for Successful Enterprises
Presented by Jim Bright . Introducing a dynamic and entertaining learning event featuring world leaders in entertainment and human behaviour at work.
Beyond Corporate Mastery® - sharing the secrets of developing a competitive advantage through creativity.

how continual change demands continual creativity and reinvention.
how to leverage creativity and the power of the saying “something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue”.

Do you want an

insight into the power of improvisation

Do you want to see innovation and improvisation in action?

Are you surrounded by experts, but devoid of ideas?

Learn why

improvisation drives innovation, and why strategic planning needs
strategic innovation first

Why Mastery is only

the first step, and the true winners go Beyond Corporate Mastery®

Take your organisation

and your career to the

Beyond Corporate Mastery®

ultimate level, by applying this powerful formula.
Jim will give you a model derived from evidencebased psychology that can be practically applied by you.
through practical, engaging and entertaining stories and exercises how anyone can create original ideas that can capture clients,
customers and markets. Using examples of innovation in music, the arts, information technology and leading businesses internationally, make the transition from followers to market leaders and how to retain that competitive advantage through continuous innovation.


Jim Bright

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